December 12, 2011

About Me

My name is Kelli and I am a 27 year old stay at home mom to my four little ones. My oldest are twins, Caden (boy) and Avery (girl), who are 5 1/2 years old. Next is Sienna, whom we call CeCe, and she is 4 1/2 years old, and last we have baby Adele, who as of this writing is 10 months old. I am married to my best friend, Carl, who is the best partner I could ask for in parenting such a loud, rambunctious bunch.

Our twins were born very prematurely, at only 27 weeks gestation, and it started out my life as a mama with a bang. I had a hospital birth, with a forced epidural, and it was a quick and fairly traumatic labor and birth. We had little time to research anything about parenting, and with little prior experience with babies, we quickly succumbed to the baby-training views of those around us, all the while feeling that there had to be a better way.

The craziness of those early years as parents prompted us to look for ways that helped slow life down. We began shifting towards a more crunchy, AP style of parenting. I wore the babies more. Scheduled our lives less. To counter-balance the chaos, we searched for simplicity.
Now that are older three are 4 and 5 years old, we have a new little one. Adele was born at home, and her birth was one of the most special, amazing days of my life. Not just because I met my beautiful baby girl, but because her homebirth was everything I dreamed of, everything that I wanted from childbirth.


Over the last (almost) 6 years of being a mama, I have come to be passionate about breastfeeding (for as long as it works for mama and baby), babywearing, co-sleeping/bed-sharing, cloth diapering, and gentle parenting, amongst other things. We are a pretty basic attachment parenting household and we love it that way.


I feel so blessed to be a part of such a fantastic group of mama's here at The Mommy Dialogues!


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